The Nine Words of Relationship with Christ

During our pilgrimage this year, Fr. Paul Staes taught us the following nine words, to be said every morning when we awake, and indeed at every hour of every day, especially when beset by cares and worries beyond our ability to bear:

Jesus, You love me.
Jesus, I trust in You.

And lest we forget what those words truly mean…

Jesus, You know I keep saying “I love You”, but You also know the many times when I don’t really mean those words, when I simply say them under duress, or when my heart is mired in mundane lusts. So many times I’ve said “I love You”, while committing grievous sins against You.

But I know that, through it all, You love me. You’ve loved me even before I was born, and You’ll love me till the end of time. You love me with an intensity and a faithfulness that exceeds anything I could muster from this frail soul locked in a failing body. Your love is a LOVE that will never fail, ever.

And so, Lord, I trust in You. I offer up all my hopes and dreams, my plans and schemes, everything I would call my own. I surrender them all to Your Divine Mercy, trusting that You know what is best for me at every moment in my life.

Guard this frail body of me, Lord. Show me what to do at every waking moment, to preserve and protect this temple of Your Holy Spirit [1 Corinthians 6:19-20]. Guide my hands to do the Father’s will. Guide my feet to walk Your holy Way. Guide my thoughts and words, that they may always be to the glory of the Father, Son and Spirit.

Jesus, You love me.
Jesus, I trust in You.


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