Tuesday of week 8 in Ordinary Time
Ecclesiasticus 35:2-15 | Psalm 49(50):5-8,14,23 | Mark 10:28-31
Add a smiling face to all your gifts,
Ecclesiasticus 35:8
and be cheerful as you dedicate your tithes.
![Smiling Face With Halo on Apple iOS 12.1](https://emojipedia-us.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/thumbs/120/apple/155/smiling-face-with-halo_1f607.png)
It’s so nice that as we begin the Lenten season tomorrow, we have a timely reminder today of the proper disposition in all our sacrifices.
Giving up our favorite activities, or foods, or anything else that gives us worldly pleasure, isn’t the point.
Dedicating to the LORD all the time, money, attention, and everything else left over from our sacrifices, and all with a cheerful heart, IS the point.
Opening our hearts to whatever and whomever passes before us, especially during the next 40 days, should trigger an interesting adventure into our innermost thoughts…and a path to a better you.
Bring on the hunger!