Friday of week 1 in Ordinary Time
Hebrews 4:1-5,11 | Psalm 77(78):3-4,6-8 | Mark 2:1-12
Be careful: the promise of reaching the place of rest that God had for the Israelites still holds good, and none of you must think that he has come too late for it.
Hebrews 4:1
Procrastination is one of my regular sins. It’s easy to tell myself that I’ve enough time to do XYZ, so I push it off in favour of something more urgent. Before I know it, I’ve got a rush job on my hands, and even though I generally pull it off, it’s often not to the standard I expect from myself.
And if I can’t…I get to have a very uncomfortable conversation with the folks who’re waiting for my deliverables.
So it is with working towards the eternal life promised to us, along the road of holiness that Jesus paved and signposted by His life, teachings and sacrifice. We’ve always been told that it doesn’t matter how long you believe in God, just that you do. Deathbed baptisms simply seal that impression, so we merrily traipse down the secular road of hedonism and selfishness, confident that we’ll have enough time to atone for all our failings.
Until, of course, we actually run out of time.
So don’t tarry, dear brothers and sisters. Make peace now with your neighbours and God, partake regularly of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, spend time with the Good Book while you can, and love love love.
Else, one day, we may find ourselves with failing minds and bodies, short one solid foundation of faith and love, and helplessly spiraling down into…

Lord, remind us always that our time is short. Amen.