33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
Proverbs 31:10-13,19-20,30-31 | Psalm 127(128):1-5 | 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 | Matthew 25:14-30
The Parable of the Talents is a tale rich with symbolism, right from its opening paragraph:
To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one; each in proportion to his ability. (Matthew 25:15)
I think the key word in this passage isn’t talent; it’s ability or, to put it more bluntly, ready-willing-and-able-ilty.
Do you know what the phrase “ready, willing and able” really means?
It literally means “willing, willing and willing!” So important, it was implied thrice!
Thus we must acknowledge a dirty little secret of our inability: We too often convince ourselves that we can’t do something in God’s name, when we actually don’t want to do it.
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Let’s reimagine this parable in a more contemporary context, with the master (Jesus) talking to his servants (us) thus:
Abe, wow, you’re a real go-getter, man! Here’s a truck full of talents; go build me a Kingdom, tiger!
Bob, hey, you’re a reliable worker, and it shows—this mansion is spotless! Here’s a bucket full of talents; you know what to do with them, brother!
Charlie, um, well, you do show up on time, so I suppose that’s something. Here’s a talent; do something useful with it, OK?
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Now fast forward to the accounting scene:
Abe, wow, so many new converts, great going! Come sit at my table!
Bob, I see you’ve been busy, nice job leading all these people to Me! Come sit at my table!
Charlie…what the?!?!
Sorry, boss, I know You want me to spread the Good News and lead people to You. I hear You, I really do, but I’m so SCARED, so I decided to put that talent aside. Here you go, at least it’s still shiny and new.
Charlie, you LAZY BUM! Even if you weren’t confident enough to share the faith by yourself, you could’ve volunteered to support Abe or Bob in their evangelical efforts. Instead, you chose to sit on your fat arse till my Second Coming! Well, to HELL with you!
Abe, here’s another talent, you deserve it.
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As the Gospel tells us, God gives us talents in proportion to our abilities, i.e. our willingness to serve him. Even if we’re lukewarm at best, we’ll still be given enough talent to help support our fellow Catholics who’re on fire with the Holy Spirit, and thus help “earn interest” for God’s “account” of believers.
But if we still choose to hide even that meager talent, then in the accounting on the Last Day, we’ll show up as a major deficit in God’s ledger.
Oh dear…
Lord, inspire us to want to bring others to You, and then give us the talents we need to do so. Amen.