Daily Archives: July 24, 2017

One is the Loneliest Number

Monday of Week 16 in Ordinary Time (Year I)
Exodus 14:5-18 | Exodus 15:1-6 | Matthew 12:38-42

The Lord made Pharaoh, king of Egypt, stubborn, and he gave chase to the sons of Israel as they made their triumphant escape. (Exodus 14:8)

Failure is always an option, especially for those of us in leadership positions.

I would imagine that at least some of Pharaoh’s generals would have counselled against pursuing the Israelites, considering the ten plagues visited upon them by this demonstrably-mighty God. In this case, the Lord triggered Pharaoh’s stubbornness for His own purpose, to inspire His own people to perpetual awe and adoration–though of course we know what they did not long after.

Is our own stubbornness, in the face of our advisors’ opposition to our plans, inspired by God or man?

Before we face the challenges of each day, do we ask the Lord for enlightened steadfastness in the course of righteousness?

Or do we just rely on our own senses and intuition, disregarding all the warnings from others who know better?

One is indeed the loneliest number…but only if we choose to go it alone.

Lord, it’s hard sometimes to remember that You are always besides us, especially when we’re pressured into exercising our own flawed judgement. Remind us to seek You whenever we are confounded by our circumstances, to dwell in Your Holy Presence when we are beset by worry and indecision, and to take heed of the Spirit of Good Counsel who whispers in our hearts the path to righteousness and peace of mind.

For You alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Lord, You alone are the Most High. With You, we shall never be alone. Amen.