16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
Wisdom 12:13,16-19 | Psalm 85(86):5-6,9-10,15-16 | Romans 8:26-27 | Matthew 13:24-43

We live in the midst of evil.

That’s the almost-daily reminder of our government, that there are terrorists active in neighboring countries, and more returning from failed escapades in Syria, Iraq and other trouble spots.

So too are we surrounded by spiritual darnel, those who would actively oppose us for our beliefs and choke our faith, a few physically, others with scorn, still others by flaunting temptations in our faces.

It’s that last group that is the most dangerous, who seduce with the fear of missing out (FOMO) on the earthly pleasures that everyone else is enjoying, espousing the popular thesis that you only live once (YOLO):

Aiyah, why you Catholics must fast on Fridays one? Too bad you can’t eat this delicious fried chicken. C’mon, just smell it, don’t you just want a taste?

Or the fear of being caught off-guard, with serious consequences:

You better bad-mouth him to your boss first, then confess at church later. God sure forgive one, OK? Anyway, if you don’t sabo him, you sure kena sabo yourself, and then how’s your God gonna help you?

Sometimes, as darnel only shows its true colour (black) when fully ripe, so do these antagonists only show their true colours after we’ve known then for a significant period.

But as the parable in today’s scripture reminds us, we have to live with them for the time being. We just have to stay faithful, and vigilant, and uninfected.

Yet, we are weak. There’s no denying that. This is why St. Paul reminds us through the Romans:

The Spirit comes to help us in our weakness. (Romans 8:26-27)

We are encouraged, nay, we must open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit, and to the Wisdom that is the Lord:

how the virtuous man must be kindly to his fellow men,
and you have given your sons the good hope
that after sin you will grant repentance. (Wisdom 12:19)

In the spirit (pun intended) of acronymic inscrutability, let us pray:

COSMAS (Come, O Spirit, ‘Midst All Strife),
DAMIAN (Dominate All Minds, Inspire All Nations),
so that we may
LOVE (Lift Our Voices Everyday)
in praise to our Creator.


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