Fight, Run, Keep the Faith

Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Acts 12:1-11 | Psalm 33(34):2-9 | 2 Timothy 4:6-8,17-18 | Matthew 16:13-19

I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)

I started this blog entry last night, but stopped for no apparent reason. This morning, that reason became clear, and this entry has completely changed as a result.

I was privileged to serve as organist for a noon-day thanksgiving mass today, celebrating the wedding anniversaries of two couples from the same family (grandparents and parents). With the “connivance” of the children, other family members, and a few friends, it was a simple celebration that still overflowed with rich meaning.

I have no doubt that these two couples have had their fights; I too have fought with my own wife from time to time.

Their “race” on this earth, like mine, isn’t over yet.

And, most importantly, we’re all struggling to keep our faith in God.

That last bit can sometimes be rather difficult, but there was an extra spring in my step as I left that celebration today.

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This reflection from St. Paul is a popular one for engraving on headstones, but it’s really a look back at a life lived in love of the Lord. For it to have any meaning for us, we need to understand it as a recipe for good living:

  • Fight the good fight, ensuring that our actions bring life to all, not misery.
  • Run the race of life with gusto, but also stopping to lift up those who have fallen by the wayside.
  • Keep the faith that has been nurtured in us, and the love of the One who gave all for us.

Despite all the uncertainties of modern life, now is a good time to be truly alive in God.

We just need to make the effort to deliberately turn to our Creator, seek His counsel through the quiet voice within us that is the Holy Spirit, and be ever mindful of the Son of Light whose Divine Mercy floods our hearts each day.


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