Daily Archives: June 18, 2017

Sharing Love Through Breaking Bread

Corpus Christi
Deuteronomy 8:2-3,14-16 | Psalm 147:12-15,19-20 | 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 | John 6:51-58

Last night, I broke bread with my wife, my goddaughter, her husband, and her family. The six of us had a full meal, followed by a long conversation on many different subjects, and a quick video of her wedding that we missed while travelling last year.

It was a wonderful and most invigorating evening, and doubly appropriate as a precursor to today’s feast, both literally and metaphorically.

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Such gastronomic gatherings of laughter and love are a rarity for most of us, with lunch and dinner usually being treated as mere physical energy sources, ignoring the opportunity for spiritual recharges and reconnections too.

It’s therefore not surprising (and quite distressing) that many of us approach the Eucharist in the same way, going through the motions of accepting and gulping down a plain wafer, then rushing off to take care of other worldly matters.

Oh, to give such marvelous manna the respect it deserves, as spiritual strength for life’s journey.

Oh, to spend time contemplating this wondrous gift from Christ Jesus, freely offered and abundantly shared.

Oh, to recognize the awesome responsibility that consuming this bread foists upon us—that we are in turn to be broken for others in service and love, reflections of the loving God to those in need of hope.

This bread that we share is the Body of Christ,
This cup of blessing His Blood.
We who come to this table bring all our wounds to be healed.
When we love one another as Christ has loved us,
We become God’s daughters and sons.
We become for each other the bread, the cup,
The presence of Christ revealed.
