Daily Archives: June 13, 2017

Jesus, God’s YES to Us

Tuesday of Week 10 in Ordinary Time (Year I)
2 Corinthians 1:18-22 | Psalm 118(119):129-133,135 | Matthew 5:13-16
Saint Antony of Padua, Priest, Doctor
Isaiah 61:1-3 | Psalm 88(89):2-5,21-22,25,27 | Luke 10:1-9

The Son of God, the Christ Jesus that we proclaimed among you […] was never Yes and No: with him it was always Yes, and however many the promises God made, the Yes to them all is in him. That is why it is ‘through him’ that we answer Amen to the praise of God. (2 Corinthians 1:19-20)

Most of us have a strange relationship with God.

Stupid parents, can’t control their kids. How can I pray with all their noise?

I knew coming for Eucharistic adoration was a waste of time. How can I hear God when that clown in the corner is snoring?!?!

“The Son of God, the Christ Jesus that we proclaimed”zzzZZZZZ…

(That last bit happened to me last night. I’d come back very late from a friend’s mother’s wake, and nodded off while contemplating today’s scripture.)

Jesus, on the other hand, was ever-present in God. Even in the direst of circumstances, as His Passion unfolded on that terrible day, He still accepted His excruciating role in our salvation:

‘My Father,’ he said ‘if it is possible, let this cup pass me by. Nevertheless, let it be as you, not I, would have it.’ (Matthew 26:39)

Jesus was God’s ultimate YES to us (John 3:16), and in turn showed us how to say YES to God.

We may always fall short in our human frailty, turning away or giving up despite our most earnest desire to be closer to God.

But that doesn’t mean we should stop striving to make our very lives a tangible YES to our Creator.

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I’m reminded of a Spanish hymn I used to sing in college. I roughly understood the lyrics at the time (the Spanish words alternated with their English translation), but it took over 25 years to really understand their import.

Digo “Si,”Señor,
en tiempos malos y en tiempos buenos.
Digo “Si,”Señor,
a todo lo que hablas.

Let us look deep into our hearts, and reorient our priorities, our desires and fears, to the One, the Everlasting, the Eternal YES.

I say “Yes,” my Lord,
in all the good times, through all the bad times.
I say “Yes,” my Lord,
to every word you speak.

Then, and only then, can we answer with all our heart, our soul, our strength and will:
