Daily Archives: May 26, 2017

Suffering in Service

Friday of the 6th Week of Eastertide
Acts 18:9-18 | Psalm 46:2-7 | John 16:20-23

A woman in childbirth suffers, because her time has come; but when she has given birth to the child she forgets the suffering in her joy that a man has been born into the world. (John 16:21)

I’ve experienced despair several times in the service of God over the last year, and especially during the transition to new parish “management” over the last few months. I’ve blogged about my worries during some of those periods, but I don’t think I’ve ever really examined what happened after.

In every case I can recall, that sorrow turned to joy, when our united song of praise to God continued, despite every worry about things falling apart due to lack of participation and commitment.

I pray that this “streak” will continue, because another conflagration is blooming within my parish, and this one may not be so easy to put out. It would be unfair to all involved to reveal details at this stage, but when most folks are pushed to the edge of their endurance, they’ll either push back hard…or just leave.

I don’t know what will happen, but I know I promised my Creator that I would Do His Work. The trick, however, is to get others to go along with what I think is the Work, especially when (as others have pointed out) I no longer hold the necessary authority to effect by fiat, and I’m facing a steadily rising chorus from my loved ones to not get involved.

I’m left with persuasion, but I’m pretty sucky at cajoling. Ah well…

Lord, the path You asked me to follow is getting harder by the day, but You promised that You would be always with me, that I just need to trust in Your boundless love and open myself up to the Advocate that You sent, the Holy Spirit who inflames hearts and rules minds.

Help me open myself up to Your love, and share that love in turn with my companions on this difficult journey, that we may not be led astray by personal desires or convenience or ease, but always be walking the Way of Truth and Life with our brothers and sisters, forever facing our eventual reunion with You. Amen.