Daily Archives: May 20, 2017

Not Business As Usual

Saturday of the 5th Week of Eastertide
Acts 16:1-10 | Psalm 99(100):1-3,5 | John 15:18-21

If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you do not belong to the world, because my choice withdrew you from the world, therefore the world hates you. (John 15:19)

Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that being a Catholic means that business is definitely not as usual.

All that bad-mouthing and backstabbing at the office? We need to hold ourselves above the fray.

Got cut off in traffic? The days of cutting the perpetrator’s head off are long gone.

This happens?

Yeah, not ours to keep, plus the bank will probably take it out on whoever made that mistake.

As Mac Davis might have sung:

Oh Lord, it’s hard to be Catholic,
While the rest of the world have their way
It’s veggies for my Friday dinner
While friends have their beef from Kobe
To know You is to love You
My problem’s with my fellow men
Oh Lord, It’s hard to be Catholic,
But I’m doing the best that I can


Still, there’s a way to make things just a little easier: Spend more time with the Lord.

The tricky bit isn’t to take that time out of our worldly schedules, but to convince ourselves to do it, to detach ourselves from the world and its demands for a short while every day.

Trust me, it gets easier over time. I’m still scripture-blogging every day after more than a year, and they’ll have to pry my cold dead fingers from my keyboard to stop me.

If you need that little push, brothers and sisters, drop me a message and I’ll give you a friendly kick.

Lord, to know You is to love You, but knowing You requires more time than we might be willing to give up. Help us take proper stock of our daily lives, recognize the things that amount to nothing in Your eternal plans, and dedicate that time to You instead. Amen.