Daily Archives: May 2, 2017

The War of the Worlds

Saint Athanasius, Bishop, Doctor
1 John 5:1-5 | Psalm 36(37):3-6,30-31 | Matthew 10:22-25

His commandments are not difficult,
because anyone who has been begotten by God
has already overcome the world;
this is the victory over the world –
our faith. (1 John 5:4)

This is cold comfort for anyone who’s felt the weight of the world on their shoulders. “<sigh> So many things to do, everyone pressing me for answers, I want to die liao!”

But that’s what happens when we choose, consciously or otherwise, to make the secular world the centre of our lives. I’m now more convinced than ever that reversing our daily priorities is not just a Good Idea, it may also be the only way to retain a measure of sanity, in a world that does its best to suck the marrow of life out of our bones.

Dwelling in the sacred world, then letting the mundane interrupt where necessary, helps put many things in perspective, and helps us maintain a mental detachment from that which will fade away on its own, or is better handled by others, or is simply not important enough to consume us body, mind, and soul.

This shall pass.

This, too, shall pass.

All this shall pass.

In its place…an abiding peace of mind, welling up from the heart-spring that is the love of God in us.

In its place…a resolute conviction that His commandments are the keystone, especially in a world that hates Him bitterly: to love Him with all our being, and to love one another in the same way.

In its place…faith, hope, and love.

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This came into sharp focus yesterday, during our parish’s ministry day of recollection. It ended with elections of office-bearers for all ministries, and I was told point-blank that my fellow long-term conductor and I were not eligible to stand for re-election.

There was a time when I would’ve exploded: “Alamak! How to go forward like that? Sure chaos one!”

This time, though, I was sufficiently detached after the long recollection session (and over a year of daily Lectio Divina) to Think Different: “Cool! That leaves me with the sole task of inspiring my fellow choir members to pay more attention to the sacred words we sing, and to rededicate ourselves to singing God’s praises in mind, mouth, and heart.”

I was never really a good administrator anyway. I’ve generally been much more effective working behind the scenes, watching out for things that needed doing but everyone else was ignoring, and getting those sorted.

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Brothers and sisters, in this daily personal “war” between the sacred and secular worlds, which side have you chosen by your actions and preoccupations?

Lord, You call us every day to live in Your world, the world of easy yokes and light burdens, the universe that is Love. Help us to make our home in You every day, and detach ourselves from the physical, mental, and spiritual contamination of the mundane, for You alone have the message of eternal life. Amen.