Daily Archives: April 29, 2017

From Sampan to Speedboat

Saturday of the 2nd Week of Eastertide
Acts 6:1-7 | Psalm 32(33):1-2,4-5,18-19 | John 6:16-21

They were for taking him into the boat, but in no time it reached the shore at the place they were making for. (John 6:21)

This passage from the Jerusalem Bible actually differs from all the other translations I’ve seen. Everywhere else, it says that the disciples decided to take him into the boat, and they reached the shore in record time—a simple cause-and-effect scenario.

It’s almost as if the Jerusalem translation was intended to conjure in our minds the following conversation amongst the disciples:

It’s the LORD! Should we take Him on board?

What kind of question is that? Of course we should!

But He’s walking on water! What does He need a boat for?

What does it matter? He’s the LORD, He gets to ride with us any time!

But He’s walking! On water! Why would He want to ride with…Oh never mind, we’ve reached the shore.

Hang on, that was way too quick…

I think that the Jerusalem translation, in taking a different tack from all the others, is actually a reminder to be willing to open our hearts to the Lord at all times. When we do, even if we’re so busy fighting for our lives that we can’t focus on Christ, our way will be that much smoother, our minds that much clearer, our resolve that much firmer.

Clearer, stronger, faster. Rather like the speedboat engine that mysteriously appeared in the disciples’ sampan.

Lord, this is my heart, but I ask that it be Yours, too. Come to me, Lord, and dwell in me, that I may always be guided by Your good counsel, and forever do what is pleasing in Your sight. Amen.