Who Comes First, God or Man?

Thursday of the 2nd Week of Eastertide
Acts 5:27-33 | Psalm 33(34):2,9,17-20 | John 3:31-36

Obedience to God comes before obedience to men (Acts 5:29)

It’s interesting just how many people would be offended by that statement, if you directed it at them. It’s as if they were thinking: “How dare you put your God before me? I am the power here!”

But to us Catholics, it’s a simple statement of fact…or at least it should be.

God tells us to love one another as He has loved us, to show mercy and compassion to all, without fear or favour. If that conflicts with greed, hatred and other foibles of our “superiors”, do we have the guts to stand firm?

When the cruel military of a mad dictator began their pogroms so many decades ago, one of “their kind” did what he could to hide and save as many victims as he could. His name was Oskar Schindler, and he was but one of many engaged in such acts of mercy.

We may never be called to be Schindlers in our lives, or we may be thrust into the role tomorrow.

When everyone around us is looting and pillaging, physically or otherwise, do we go along out of fear and greed, or do we step back and, in our own way, try to mitigate the damage being inflicted by others?

When a “bank error” is made in our favour, or a harried cashier gives us more than our fair change, do we quietly pocket our “they’ll-never-miss-it” windfall as so many others would, or do we set things right for the poor soul, who might otherwise lose her job over her mistake?

Obedience to God comes before obedience to men.

The simplest dictums are often the hardest to respect.

Lord, we know You love us deeply despite our imperfections. Help us navigate this world’s imperfections with faith and trust in that Love, and spread Your message of hope and mercy to all, especially when our fellow travelers are more focused on their own benefits. Amen.


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