Daily Archives: April 25, 2017

Karung Guni for the Soul

Saint Mark, Evangelist
1 Peter 5:5-14 | Psalm 88(89):2-3,6-7,16-17 | Mark 16:15-20

Bow down, then, before the power of God now, and he will raise you up on the appointed day; unload all your worries on to him, since he is looking after you. (1 Peter 5:6-7)

Many of my reflections are triggered by incidents and people I meet on the train. That shouldn’t surprise anyone; if we really paid attention to the goings-on around us, each journey is guaranteed to bring newness into our lives.

Yesterday was no exception. I helped a middle-aged man haul a marketing cart loaded with items onto the train, when the wheels got stuck in the gap between train and platform. He turned out to be an itinerant cobbler, but my initial impression was that he was carting a hoard of discarded items around, a veritable karung guni (rag-and-bone) setup.

Rather like this one, but with more stuff.

Would you believe that I’d just finished reading today’s scripture when this incident happened? I immediately made a connection with it, as I thought to myself: What am I still dragging around, that’s holding me back spiritually?

Ten minutes later, on a different train line, another commuter needed help getting his cart wheels unstuck. Two incidents, out of a daily average of zero.

I don’t know what the deal was with all those sudden cart troubles, but at least I got a blog entry out of it.

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I’m sure all of us have daily cares that seem to drown out God’s quiet voice of guidance.

I’ve so many things to do, that I don’t have enough hours in a day.

My boss is an absolute monster! I really want to beat his arrogant brains out, but I can’t feed my family from jail!

The kids are driving me up the wall! Why can’t they just do what I tell them?!?!

I feel a little weird comparing God to the kindly neighbourhood karung guni man, but perhaps it’s time for us to say, in the silence of our hearts:

Lord, these worries and frustrations are of no use to me. They’re just distracting me from the important things in life: family, friends, and You.

I offer them to You, in the hope that You can make something of them, and offer in return some small inspiration, or smidgen of courage, or coin of wisdom, that would lead me to a better relationship with my family and friends, and especially with You whom I would dearly love to love more. Amen.

Cast your cares on Christ and be sure of His help.
Trust that He will comfort you.

Joyful and trusting we come to You, O Lord,
Ready to give all to You.