Boom! Shake the Room!

Monday of the 2nd Week of Eastertide
Acts 4:23-31 | Psalm 2:1-9 | John 3:1-8

As they prayed, the house where they were assembled rocked; they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to proclaim the word of God boldly. (Acts 4:31)

When I read this passage, I was instantly reminded of a hip-hop hit by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince from my younger days. The latter rapper is better known as actor Will Smith these days, and the song does attract modern crazies who interpret its lyrics as literal support for terrorist bombings.

I’ll now connect it to something that may seem like sexual innuendo, but really isn’t: When you last prayed, did the earth move?

Boom! Shake-shake-shake the room!

And was it good for you?

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I’m quite fascinated by the frenzy that affects some people when praying, or being prayed over. I’ve never witnessed a “slaying” or “speaking in tongues”, but I’ve heard from people who have seen it. They said it was both frightening and rather awesome.

I’ve also had the earth literally move under my feet, 20 floors above ground level back in 1989. And yes, the Loma Prieta earthquake was terrifying while it happened, but because I survived the experience with no injuries, I also look back on it as an awesome display of the power of nature.

And just this past Easter Vigil, when we welcomed the newly-baptised back into the main church hall, it happened again, to the sound of music.

Let us build a house where all are named,
their songs and visions heard
and loved and treasured, taught and claimed
as words within the Word.
Built of tears and cries and laughter,
prayers of faith and songs of grace,
let this house proclaim from floor to rafter.
All are welcome,
all are welcome,

I’d like you, brothers and sisters, to now imagine the frenzy that overtook me when I conducted the combined choir for this verse of Marty Haugen’s All Are Welcome. Let the bolding and italicizing be your guide.

I know I wasn’t dribbling saliva or anything so dramatic, but my face must’ve been a picture at that point, and my arm muscles were wound up so tightly that they were rather sore afterwards.

I think a couple of choristers in the front row might have been a little terrified, but I know I felt awesome!

Oh yes, brothers and sisters, it was good for me. It was really good for me.

(And why are you still thinking about sex at this point? Kidding.)

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Easter comes but once a year, but I think Fr. Cornelius told us how we could experience this terrifying awesomeness as often as we can stand it, when he pointed to the confessional during his homily yesterday.

Examining our failings, and admitting to them? Terrifying as hell.

Having the weight of our everyday sin-burdens be lifted by God through the Sacrament of Reconciliation? AWESOME!

The day everyone accepts this is the day this house of God will proclaim from floor to rafter. That day, the house will rock with Spirit, as it did for the early disciples.

It may be a long day coming, but we can hope and pray, and reconcile early and often. How else could we…



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