Daily Archives: April 16, 2017

The Risen Christ is Lord!

Easter Sunday

It was very early on the first day of the week and still dark, when Adrian of Ho came to the church to greet the rising Son, just as Mary of Magdala went to Jesus’ tomb in the early hours, to find Him gone.

There’s something magical about the pre-dawn hours, when all creation slowly wakes from their slumber. One by one, the creatures of this world arise from their sleep and go about their daily business.

Some more awake than others…

But today is not a normal day. Today, we come in hope and joy, exultant that our Lord and Saviour has broken the bonds of death, winning for us the prize of eternal life.

In the words of M.D. Ridge:

Three days our world was broken and in an instant healed,
God’s covenant of mercy in mystery revealed.
Two thousand years are one day in God’s eternal sight,
and yesterday’s sorrows are this day’s delight.
Though still Christ’s body suffers, pierced daily by the sword,
yet death has no dominion: the risen Christ is Lord!