The Scent of Holiness

Monday of Holy Week
Isaiah 42:1-7 | Psalm 26(27):1-3,13-14 | John 12:1-11

Mary brought in a pound of very costly ointment, pure nard, and with it anointed the feet of Jesus, wiping them with her hair; the house was full of the scent of the ointment. (John 12:3)

Can you smell holiness?

I think you can.

I think it smells like the palm I picked up at church, a faint hint of greenery that sparks images of a “Hosanna!” donkey day long gone.

I think it smells like baby powder, which hit my nose when I lifted a little child up to the drinking fountain before mass, and who rewarded me in turn with a shy smile.

I think it smells like a sweaty South Asian construction worker, who valiantly helped a maid navigate her wheelchair-bound employer over bumps and potholes, while traffic rushed by within arm’s reach of the trio.

And, of course, I think it smells like Jesus Christ, anointed by Mary as a reminder to all present that He would be dead soon, as He foretold.

I think you can smell holiness.

It’s recognizing it for what it is that’s the trick.

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I just smelled my right armpit.

I don’t know why, and I’m wishing I hadn’t.

I clearly need to work on the holiness bit.

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Lord Jesus Christ, as we watch You process towards Your salvific death on a cross, help us engage all our senses as we bear our own crosses through life. Help us recognize the signs of holiness in action around us, and smell the fragrance of Your goodness in others. Amen.


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