Daily Archives: April 7, 2017

A Tiresome Jeremiad

Friday of the 5th Week of Lent
Jeremiah 20:10-13 | Psalm 17(18):2-7 | John 10:31-42

I hear so many disparaging me,
‘“Terror from every side!”
Denounce him! Let us denounce him!’
All those who used to be my friends
watched for my downfall,
‘Perhaps he will be seduced into error.
Then we will master him
and take our revenge!’ (Jeremiah 20:10)

Fair-weather friends are a dime a dozen; when circumstances turn against you, they will be nowhere to be found, or perhaps even take advantage of your plight to raise their own status or reputation.

This is especially so in a work environment where the boss plays subordinates against each other, so that everyone fakes teamwork while quietly aiming to get a leg up by stepping on others’ backs…and possibly stabbing them in the process.

The Lord is not this sort of “boss”. He wants us all to work as one united people in bringing His kingdom to earth, through concerted words and deeds of love for one another.

Which is why I’m quite disturbed by the rising tide of lamentations at the advent of a new “boss” at our parish, a veritable jeremiad of “he’ll change everything, upset all our apple carts, woe is us, time to move to a new parish!” I’m guessing that he’s already feeling the effects of rumours that will undermine whatever good he’ll try to do during his tenure here–perhaps the above passage might even have crossed his mind.

It’s possible that some of his intended changes would directly affect my choir ministry. Whether I can help channel those changes for the good of our ministry remains to be seen, but until the nature of those changes are made known, I’ll wait patiently…and try very hard not to prejudge.

In the meantime, Holy Week beckons. Time to set aside any gripes about our inbound parish priest, and focus on Christ as He begins His journey of Passion.
