Monthly Archives: March 2017

Hope Versus Reason

Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2 Samuel 7:4-5,12-14,16 | Psalm 88(89):2-5,27,29 | Romans 4:13,16-18,22 | Matthew 1:16,18-21,24

Though it seemed Abraham’s hope could not be fulfilled, he hoped and he believed, and through doing so he did become the father of many nations exactly as he had been promised: Your descendants will be as many as the stars. (Romans 4:18)

Have you hoped for something that you secretly didn’t believe you would receive?

On the way to Sr. Lorenzina Nota’s 70th anniversary celebration, I pulled a tendon or something in my left leg. Instantly, my toes knotted themselves together, my ankle began throbbing, and the pain was quite literally crippling.

As I tried to relax and not scream in agony, I said a short prayer that went something like this:

Lord, thank You for the pain that reminds me of my mortal self. May it serve Your purpose in me, but If it be Your will, please take this pain from me. Amen.

Clearly, pain and clear thinking are never seen together, just like Clark Kent and Superman. The science-y part of my brain said “oh boy, this is gonna take a long while to resolve itself”, while the faith-y part went “Lord, shazam, please?”

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Abraham trusted God in his hope for children in his old age, and thus he became the father-in-faith to us all.

I trust God in my hope that this nightly Lectio Divina workalike will continue till the end of my physical or mental ability, and not be foreshortened by boredom or inability to find inspiration from sacred scripture.

Reason says I’ll run out of words to ponder after the 3 years of the liturgical cycle.

Hope tells me that when I come round to the same texts again, I’ll be a different person with different thoughts, so I’ll have new things to share.

Hope versus reason, which side will win?

I know which side I’m betting on.

Lord, You are our eternal Hope, whom we long to see in all Your glory, despite the derision of our learned friends. Help us keep faith in Your boundless goodness, be our guide as we navigate through the dark waters of mundane life, and when our time on earth is up, purge our stain of sin, that we may stand in Your holy presence and sing Your praises forever. Amen.

Sharing the Living Water of Christ

3rd Sunday of Lent (Year A)
Exodus 17:3-7 | Psalm 94(95):1-2,6-9 | Romans 5:1-2,5-8 | John 4:5-42

Today’s first reading and Gospel share the common themes of water and thirst. Water in particular is on the minds of many Singaporeans lately, with the recent announcement of significant hikes in water tariffs.

Jesus, of course, gives us living water without any fees, just a willingness to be faithful to His Word and live the Gospel life, spreading the Good News in thought, word and deed.

Are we thirsty for this water?

And will we in turn share this water with others?

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Later today, I’ll be celebrating with many others the 70th anniversary of Sr. Lorenzina Nota’s religious profession with the Daughters of St. Paul.

70 years of spreading the living water of Good News through her apostolate of media.

70 years of saying “Yes” to God daily.

How could I say “No” to honouring her commitment?


The Prodigal Has Come Home

Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent
Micah 7:14-15,18-20 | Psalm 102(103):1-4,9-12 | Luke 15:1-3,11-32

We recall the familiar parable of the Prodigal Son today, and are reminded of God’s infinite mercy and love. He just wants us to repent of our sins, and to return to Him in trust and humility, like sheep to a shepherd.

As for those of us who have begun that process of reconciliation and repentance, let us not look down upon our brethren who have yet to take the first step, those who are still mired in temptations and distractions. Let us instead reach out to them as God has reached out to us, in love and patience, encouraging them to come back to the eternal Father.



Generous To A Fault

Friday of the 2nd Week of Lent
Genesis 37:3-4,12-13,17-28 | Psalm 104(105):16-21 | Matthew 21:33-43,45-46

Today, we hear the story of Joseph’s journey into slavery at the hands of his jealous brothers. At some point in the future, we may hear about his kindness to them in the time of famine, despite their prior ill-treatment.

Today also happens to St. Patrick’s Day, wherein all Ireland honours the missionary who returned to the land of his enslavement, just to preach the Good News of salvation to his former captors.

Which gives us pause for thought: When we have broken free of our captivity of sin, would we turn back to help others escape too?

Would we extend a helping hand, or a sympathetic ear, or do a kindness, to those mired in the same depths of depravity from which we came, some of whom might even have dragged us down with them in the first place?

Or would we just walk away, basking in our new-found freedom, leaving all others to fend for themselves against the rising tide of spiritual darkness?

Is salvation for us alone, who have been blessed with the Good News, or is it for all to receive, through our thoughts, words and deeds?

Are we like Joseph, generous to a fault, or like his brothers, jealous enough to sell him into slavery?

Lord, help us to be more like You, sharing Your love with all we meet, caring enough to overlook the slights and injuries visited upon us, for the good of even those who hate us. Amen.

Lazarus: God Is My Help

Thursday of the 2nd Week of Lent
Jeremiah 17:5-10 | Psalm 1:1-4,6 | Luke 16:19-31

Today’s reading from Jeremiah sends an intriguing message to us all:

Trust in men, in secular comfort, and you’ll find despair even in plenty.

Trust in God, and you’ll find hope in crisis.

Jesus amplifies this message in today’s Gospel, not just by telling the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, but also by His choice of name for the poor man. “Lazarus” comes from the Hebrew Elazar, literally “God is my help”.

Indeed, God is my help. He raises me up when I’ve fallen, comforts me when I despair of everything, and asks only that I love others as He has loved me.

I long to be reunited with Him, but until that day, I’ll do my best to fulfill His one demand.
