Daily Archives: March 30, 2017

Like This If You Love God!

Thursday of the 4th Week of Lent
Exodus 32:7-14 | Psalm 105(106):19-23 | John 5:31-47

How can you believe,
since you look to one another for approval
and are not concerned
with the approval that comes from the one God? (John 5:44)

Likes. Views. Upvotes (and downvotes). Unlocked achievements. Shares.

These are just some of the ways that we quantify our popularity online. Many of us hate to admit it, but they play a very significant role in influencing our online persona, and not necessarily for the better.

For instance, “telling it like it is” is surprisingly popular, even though it would seem that being explicitly rude to others, voicing opinions liberally sprinkled with obscenities, isn’t something that should be tolerated, online or otherwise. It’s especially troubling that Catholic online communities have to regularly remind their members to “Be Nice, Be Respectful”.

We also instinctively share rumours and “miracle cures” and stories that tug at the heartstrings, all in a secret chase for online approval, without stopping to think whether the words we share even make sense, or spend a few seconds checking online to see if they’ve been debunked. All that matters is the likes, so Like This Post If You Love God, People!

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But seriously, don’t like this post if you love God.

Comment on this post if you love God.

Share your own perspective on the words I write, on the spiritual positions I take, on whether you think I speak Truth, a big fat Lie, or something in between.

Start a conversation on what you think I should improve, and perhaps even share what you think you should improve too.

Don’t show your approval. Show your understanding, through opinions and stories about how God has spoken to you throughout your life.

Show how anything I’ve written has helped you draw closer to God, and share in turn how you think I can do likewise.

Let’s not seek approval from each other.

Let’s seek approval from the One Who Is.
