Daily Archives: March 25, 2017

The Assent of Faith

The Annunciation of the Lord
Isaiah 7:10-14,8:10 | Psalm 39(40):7-11 | Hebrews 10:4-10 | Luke 1:26-38

Today, we celebrate Mary’s assent to becoming the Mother of God,

her openness to doing God’s will despite not comprehending the magnitude of His intent,

and the pain that she would have to endure, watching her own Son die an ignominious death on a cross.

When shall we celebrate our own assent to becoming true children of God,

our openness to doing His will despite not truly understanding what is being asked of us,

and the pain that we would have to endure, watching others blithely wallow in their secular pleasures and freedoms, in ways that we simply cannot allow ourselves?

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When I first committed myself to contemplating the Word of God every day, I could not have understood how much it would change me.

I see more and more connections between the scripture I read, and the events I behold in my own life.

I’m less and less able to indulge in the feasts I used to enjoy, both gastronomic and mental.

And I’m particularly drawn to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, as a growing urge to be reunited with God begins to overwhelm my reluctance to examine my conscience.

Indeed I shall rejoice, for I know the Lord is with me, and while He may not have the sort of earth-shattering plans for me as He did for Our Blessed Mother, I look forward to seeing what He intends for me next.

Lord, we are Your servants, let whatever You have willed be done unto us, for nothing is impossible to You. Amen.