Daily Archives: March 13, 2017

You Get What You Give

Monday of the 2nd Week of Lent
Daniel 9:4-10 | Psalm 78(79):8-9,11,13 | Luke 6:36-38

The amount you measure out is the amount you will be given back (Luke 6:38)

There are times when I’m tempted to just do the minimum to get by, both at work and in faith matters. When I’ve followed through on that temptation, I invariably find that I get little benefit out of this. Yeah, it’s easy because I’ve done this before, but because I’m not putting 100% into it, I’m not getting anything new out of it either.

When I do put effort into what I do, when I choose to step outside my comfort zone, I always learn something new, and it’s usually worth the sweat.

In short, we get what we give, which is unfortunately better remembered locally as the trite phrase “you pay peanuts, you get monkeys”.

Lord, help me remember to always give my all, even when I’m tired and weary of the task I’m doing. Help me understand that You always want what’s best for me in Your time, and that I should remain strong and constant in my efforts because You are strong and constant in Your love. Amen.