Daily Archives: March 12, 2017

Transfiguration = Change

2nd Sunday of Lent (Year A)
Genesis 12:1-4 | Psalm 32(33):4-5,18-20,22 | 2 Timothy 1:8-10 | Matthew 17:1-9

Today’s Gospel speaks of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and reminds us of our own Transformation at the end of days.

But to get to Transformation, we need to effect transformation. We need to mend our sinful ways, and to do that, we need to get out of the comfort zone that sin creates for us, the land of unbecoming lusts and retarding sloth.

In the first reading, God commanded Abraham to uproot himself, leave his family and friends, and journey into the unknown.

In the second, St. Paul reminds us to “bear the hardships for the sake of the Good News”.

Being true to the Word of Love and Life isn’t painless, nor is it impossible. We just need to set our minds on Christ, to love as He taught us to love, to live as He taught us to live.

Then, day by day, our souls will be gradually transfigured to “shine like the sun”, and we will one day see God face to face.

But the work starts here and now.

Lord, give us the strength to step out of our comfort zones, and take up our crosses, dying to ourselves to be more like You. Help us stay true to Your Hold Word, that we may one day be transfigured like You, and enter into Your Heavenly Kingdom, there to live with Father, Son and Spirit in one unending hymn of praise. Amen.