Daily Archives: March 4, 2017

Jesus, Friend to All Sinners

Saturday after Ash Wednesday
Isaiah 58:9-14 | Psalm 85(86):1-6 | Luke 5:27-32

The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples and said, ‘Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?’ Jesus said to them in reply, ‘It is not those who are well who need the doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the virtuous, but sinners to repentance.’ (Luke 5:30-32)

Every day, when I travel by train or bus, I notice a stark similarity amongst nearly all my fellow passengers: they all look really glum, like they’re carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Even if they were locked away in their own universe, isolated by their headphones and whatever was mesmerizing them on their personal devices, the corners of their mouths were invariably turned down.

Those who were simply looking around them were similarly wreathed in metaphorical dark clouds, strained brows brooding over God knows what.

The only exceptions were those who were travelling in groups. Those folks were chatting happily with each other, and it mattered not if they were young or old. They had company, and their spirits were thus lifted.

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We’ve long heard the old saw that the worst way to die is alone. We see it on TV, or perhaps even in person: people young and old, glumly trudging through their lonely days, finding neither joy nor support.

I can’t imagine anyone wanting to experience that, yet I see unhappy people every day, buried in their own concerns, locked away in their own universes.

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Lately, I’ve been feeling warm around my shoulders at random times, despite the unnaturally chilly days we’re currently experiencing. I might be imagining things, but I’d like to think that what I’m feeling is the loving arm of Christ wrapping me in a hug, just like my old friend used to urge me on to our next destination (he’s quite a bit taller than I, so it’s really difficult for me to return the favour).

It’s a comforting feeling, that He’s willing to spend time with me, a sinner.

I’d like others to feel it too.

Will you reach out to Him, and let Him embrace you?

Will you spend time in His company, and let Him spend time in yours?

He is always there, hearing every prayer
Faithful and true
Walking by our side, in His love we hide
All the day through

When you get discouraged, just remember what to do
Reach out to Jesus, He’s reaching out to you

