The Presentation of the Lord
Malachi 3:1-4 | Psalm 23(24):7-10 | Hebrews 2:14-18 | Luke 2:22-40
“Hormat, senja…….TA!”

(Credit: Suntec Singapore Convention Loves)
Even though my National Service days are well behind me, I still remember many of the parade commands that were drilled into us young men over and over again.
This one is the Malay equivalent of “Present ARMS!”, a call to assembled soldiers to hold forth their weapons, a military salute to dignitaries or the state flag.
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On this feast day of the Lord, let us do some soul-searching:
How do we present ourselves to the Lord of All?
Do we stand erect as soldiers of God, ready to do battle with the Evil One?
Or do we skulk like cockroaches, desperately avoiding the Light of Christ?
Do we approach others with love in word and deed, seeing the face of Christ in everyone?
Or do we abuse others with harsh gossip and unkind actions?
Do we still turn to the Lord after we fall, desiring reconciliation, confident in His forgiveness and mercy?
Or do we drift away in sin, confident that we are better off without Him?
Lord, here we are to answer Your call. Steel our hearts to resist the lure of evil, fill our minds with Your Holy Word, and help us show Your grace to all we meet, in loving and merciful deeds. Amen.