Humbly We Come, O Lord

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)
Zephaniah 2:3,3:12-13 | Psalm 145(146):6-10(Lord6) | 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 | Matthew 5:1-12

Today’s scripture is filled with humility.

“Seek the Lord, you humble of the earth,” says the prophet Zephaniah.

St. Paul reminds the Corinthians (and us) that we have been chosen by God because we are weak, having nothing to boast about to the Lord.

And Jesus reminds us that the kingdom of heaven is waiting for those who are “poor in spirit”, who understand that we would not exist without the grace of God.

No matter how successful we are in this life, no matter how many things we’ve had the money to buy, we are nothing compared to God.

It can sometimes be hard to tamp down our pride, to tell ourselves that, despite all our riches and acclaim, we aren’t God’s gift to humankind.

But we do bear His gift to others, the gift of Love given to us in faith, the willingness to share our abundance with those who have nothing, the openness to do a kindness or two to those in need.

So let us open ourselves up like beautiful flowers to others, our petal-hands spreading the peace of Christ through deeds of mercy.

Let us do this not for our own arrogant glory, but as reflections of the One who made all things new.

And let us never forget to turn our faces to the Lord, to acknowledge the source of all strength and power, humble enough to become one of us, to suffer with us, and to die for us.

In Him, who won our salvation with His blood, can we truly make our boasts.


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