Daily Archives: January 27, 2017

Letting Go of Burdensome Cruft

Friday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time (Year I)
Saint Angela Merici, Virgin
Hebrews 10:32-39 | Psalm 36(37):3-6,23-24,39-40 | Mark 4:26-34

For you not only shared in the sufferings of those who were in prison, but you happily accepted being stripped of your belongings, knowing that you owned something that was better and lasting. (Hebrews 10:34)

If I had to sum up this week in a single phrase, I’d go with “letting go”.

On Sunday, I went for confession before mass, letting go of all my sins.

And on the following days, I did sporadic “spring cleaning”, gradually letting go of things I didn’t need any more.

Voluntarily stripping myself of my unneeded physical and spiritual “belongings” has been a refreshing experience.

Being unburdened by the guilt of past transgressions and the weight of unnecessary stuff

Bearing only the important things in my flat and the Lord in my heart.

Experiencing the unbearable lightness of freedom in soul and body.

I think I’ll make it a regular thing.

Lord, You know what we truly need in our lives. Open our eyes to the clutter we amass in our homes and in our hearts, and help us cherish the one constant thing in our lives: Your eternal love. Amen.