Daily Archives: January 24, 2017

Everything Boring is Refreshing Again

Tuesday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time (Year I)
Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor
Hebrews 10:1-10 | Psalm 39(40):2,4,7-8,10,11 | Mark 3:31-35

Since the Law has no more than a reflection of these realities, and no finished picture of them, it is quite incapable of bringing the worshippers to perfection, with the same sacrifices repeatedly offered year after year. (Hebrews 10:1)

Have you ever experienced boredom at mass?

Have you ever let your mind drift off during the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, hearing the same words each Sunday?

Have you ever mouthed the responses, the Creed, the various prayers, without emotion, without thought, without much of anything?

Yeah, I’ve been there too. Repetition without understanding surely leads to apathy.

I’ve spent many years struggling to retain interest in the weekly reminders of the One Holy Sacrifice. Sometimes I’d “wake up” and begin to take the meaning of the words the day’s celebrant uttered, but it never really lasted.

Until my wife was asked to be the godmother to a 4-year-old girl, which made me the godfather by association. I suddenly asked myself, “How would I explain the mass to this little girl?”

I guess that was all the motivation I really needed, to step outside myself and look at the mass from an innocent’s point of view, to think about how I’d explain this action or those words to a young child.

Now, I still repeat the same words at each Sunday mass, but in my head, everything’s become that much richer.

In my head, I’m spending hours upon hours waxing rhapsodically about the Creed to a young girl, holding forth on phrases we traditionally spew without thought.

In my head, I’m BEHOLDING the spotless Lamb who redeemed us all, not a white wafer and a shiny wine-filled cup.

In my head, I’m surrounded by God’s children, flawed though we all are.

✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞

St. Francis de Sales is the patron saint of, among other things, writers and journalists. Clearly, I’ve been writing quite a lot, so a prayer to him on this day of his memorial is especially appropriate:

St. Francis de Sales, you converted countless others in your time with your goodness, patience and mildness, and all of these qualities continue to inspire us today through your writings.

Help me find the grace to be good, patient and mild in my own writings, and in my daily dealings with others, that I may in turn inspire others to turn to our heavenly Father.

Help me find the courage to truly live in deed the bold proclamation: “Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will!”

Help me find the strength to keep my faith in God amid strife and temptation, that in my last days, I may gracefully let go of this mortal coil and embrace heaven in all its wonder.
