Daily Archives: January 23, 2017

A House Reunited

Monday of Week 3 in Ordinary Time (Year I)
Hebrews 9:15,24-28 | Psalm 97(98):1-6 | Mark 3:22-30

If a household is divided against itself, that household can never stand. (Mark 3:25)

I blogged yesterday about how we should deal with the upcoming rotation of parish priests, with understanding and a desire to find common ground.

As should happen in the house of God, so should also happen in our own households.

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The nomadic Bedouin have a saying:

I against my brother,
I and my brother against our cousin,
I, my brother and our cousin against the neighbors,
All of us against the foreigner.

It’s a natural hierarchy of loyalties in this distrusting world, but we Catholics have a different outlook:

We are one in the Spirit.

So as we approach the Chinese New Year, let’s work on repairing whatever broken relationships we may have with our family members, and let the Lord enter all our lives in the process. After all, the family is the original church.
