Daily Archives: January 9, 2017

Lavabis Me, Domine

The Baptism of the Lord
Isaiah 42:1-4,6-7 | Psalm 28(29):1-4,9-10 | Matthew 3:13-17

I stood in the shower last night, as I do every night, reflecting on today’s scripture while washing away the sweat and grime of the day.

Suddenly, a stray series of thoughts entered my head, tracing the passage of soapy water down my body:

Cleanse my mind, Lord, that it may discern Your Holy Way.

Clear my senses, Lord, that they may show me Your Holy Way.

Rinse my tongue, Lord, that it may tell of Your Holy Way.

Lave my heart, Lord, that it may yearn for Your Holy Way.

Scour my hands, Lord, that they may work to lead others on Your Holy Way.

Purify my feet, Lord, that they may walk Your Holy Way.

It’s funny what a thorough ablution does to the thought process.

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As Catholics, we can only be baptized once. Many of us were also baptized as infants, so we can’t recall the event even if we wanted to.

Nevertheless, we should never forget the end result of our baptism: an indelible seal of Spirit-filled purification on our hearts. It remains there in good times and bad, in sickness and health, whether we face God in joy or turn away from Him in shame. It simply is.

But because it only occurred once, and much would’ve happened in our lives since then, it’s often easy to forget its criticality in the hustle and bustle of mundane and Spirit-less life. We can and should consciously remind ourselves of this key point in our lives, and the responsibilities thrust upon us at this root of our rebirth.

Starting today, I will pray this prayer as I shower each morning before heading out to do the day’s work:

Lord, as I wash away the waste of my body’s nightly purification, cleanse me with your Spirit. Purify my heart and mind, that I may endeavour to do Your will today and every day of my life. Amen.

and another one as I wash each night:

Lord, as I wash away the detritus of today’s activities, cleanse me with your Spirit. Forgive me my trespasses of this day, as I forgive those who trespass against me, and grant me a good night’s rest, that I may endeavour to do Your will tomorrow and every day of my life. Amen.