Daily Archives: January 8, 2017

Manifest Grace

The Epiphany of the Lord
Isaiah 60:1-6 | Psalm 71(72):1-2,7-8,10-13 | Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6 | Matthew 2:1-12

The Son of God was revealed to the Gentile Magi in today’s Gospel, for that is literally what “epiphany” means. They brought gold, frankincense and myrrh, to honour the universal King, the one God and the salvific sacrifice.

Where do we see Jesus in our daily lives, and what can we offer Him?

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When I entered the lift at my place yesterday morning, I bumped into a grandfather with a toddler lying in a pram. As I moved towards the back of the lift, the young child turned his head to follow my passage and, when he could turn no further, suddenly clambered onto his hands and knees and stared at me with a silly grin on his face.

I couldn’t help but smile, which in turn made him giggle.

So I high-fived him, and he laughed even louder.

The entire encounter lasted less than 30 seconds, but it charged all three of us with joy and, at least for me, a certain amount of spiritual uplift.

Now I’m sure I didn’t have food stains on my face, or commit a fashion faux pas, or any such cause for amusement.

I can only assume that the toddler had a revelation: “Hey! New person I’ve never seen before! Cool!”

And chose to act on it with joyful grace.

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Perhaps there’s a lesson in that encounter for us all. Can we see Jesus in each person we meet in our lives, rich or poor, brash or meek? Can we think “Hey! I see Christ in this person! Cool!”

And can we then offer respectful love and joyful compassion to them, and Christ-through-them?

Lord knows this world needs less aggravation and conflict. As we celebrate our infant King’s manifestation to all humanity today, let us in turn be revelations of His love and mercy to others.
