Daily Archives: January 4, 2017

I Will Lead Others to God…

4 January
1 John 3:7-10 | Psalm 97(98):1,7-9 | John 1:35-42

My children, do not let anyone lead you astray:
to live a holy life
is to be holy just as he is holy (1 John 3:7)

Yesterday was the first day of the school year, and as I passed the primary school next to my home, I had to thread my way through a huge crowd of parents and guardians outside the school gates, waiting for their children who were attending school for the first time. Clearly, they wanted to make sure that their kids didn’t wander off in a daze after a mind-boggling first day, or be led off by a stranger with nefarious intentions.

Later, I was discussing some issues with one of my client’s employees, and I found myself doing what those parents were waiting to do: shepherd this young man away from a critical decision that might result in a foreseeable and catastrophic data loss in the future.

Then I read the above passage from today’s scripture, and made the connection.

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Even as presumably well-informed Catholics, it would not be difficult for us to be led astray, given this world’s constant pressures of personal wealth-building and self-centered role models, and a growing lack of civility and morality on the Internet and in real life. Yet we continue to fight the good fight, reminding ourselves daily through prayer and Eucharistic participation about the core of our faith, which is Love and Mercy.

But how about our godchildren, the people whom we pledged in the sight of God to guide in faith after their baptism? Unless we actually see them on a regular basis, it’s a safe bet that we haven’t been fulfilling our promise. For all we know, they might have wandered off into the spiritual wilderness while our attention was focused on our own lives.

I haven’t been in regular touch with any of my godchildren. It’s time to correct that omission.

Lord, You called us all to be shepherds to each other, to bolster our collective faith and guard one another against the relentless assaults of the Evil One. Help us remember to turn to You always, and lead our charges in the same direction.

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, lead us to Your Son, and pray for us who struggle in the grip of temptation. Amen.