Daily Archives: December 24, 2016

The Canticle of Adrian

24 December
2 Samuel 7:1-5,8-12,14,16 | Psalm 88(89):2-5,27,29 | Luke 1:67-79

Today’s Gospel recalls the inspirational Canticle of Zechariah. I remember singing a musical setting of this canticle in college, that went like this:

Blest be the God of Israel
who comes to set us free
and raises up new hope for us:
a Branch from David’s tree.
So have the prophets long declared
that with a mighty arm
God would turn back our enemies
and all who wish us harm.

With promised mercy will God still
the covenant recall:
the oath once sworn to Abraham,
from foes to save us all;
that we might worship without fear
and offer lives of praise,
in holiness and righteousness
before God all our days.

My child, as prophet of the Lord,
you will prepare the way,
to tell God’s people they are saved
from sin’s eternal sway.
Then shall God’s mercy from on high
shine forth and never cease
to drive away the gloom of death
and lead us into peace.

✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞

But what, I wondered, would the Canticle of Adrian sound like?

Probably something like this, to the same tune but with less profound words:

Blest be the God of all the world
Let all mankind declare!
What boundless love HE has bestowed
On us to take and share.
The love made flesh in Mary’s womb
And born to poverty,
To touch cold hearts, cure blind and lame
And die to set us free.

O Jesus Christ, obedient Son,
You hear our hopes and pleas.
Your Mercy truly is Divine
O Lord, we trust in Thee.
And Holy Spirit, sent by God
To be our Advocate.
We glorify the Trinity,
Our voices ne’er abate!
