Stewards of the Earth

Tuesday of the 1st week of Advent (Year A)
Isaiah 11:1-10 | Psalm 71(72):1-2,7-8,12-13,17 | Luke 10:21-24

Isaiah’s vision of the Kingdom of God in today’s reading is bizarre by human standards. Who’d have thought of young children and animals playing safely with vegetarian predators which “do no hurt, no harm”? In our world, it’s dog-eat-dog-eat-meek, and even while you’re preying on some blissfully naive person, you’re watching for tricksters and other ne’er-do-wells who are out to cheat you in turn.

Such is the power of God, the epitome of justice and love.

I think we should be reminded by this passage to deal with others fairly, to work towards a “rising tide that floats all boats” strategy rather than a zero-sum “me win, you lose” game.

And while we’re not likely to frolic with straw-eating lions or tame vipers in our lifetimes, we could stand to not abuse our general mastery over nature. Instead, let’s be frugal in our consumption and conscientious in our activities in the great outdoors.

After all, we are called to be stewards of the world, not plunderers.

O God, You bid us tend and watch over the earth, just as You bid Adam tend and watch over Eden. Give us the abilities and the desire to lovingly care for Your kingdom and each other, to “do no hurt, no harm”, so that when Your Son returns, He may see that in nature as in humanity, all is very good indeed. Amen.

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