Come Down, Lord!

Monday of the 1st week of Advent (Year A)
Isaiah 4:2-6 | Psalm 121(122):1-2,4-5,6-9 | Matthew 8:5-11

Matthew 8:8 seems to recur quite frequently in my reflections, and while I was contemplating a new spin to an old passage, this old Advent song suddenly came to mind.

It’s obviously inspired by the well-known response to the Ecce Agnus Dei (“Behold the Lamb of God”), and while my choir has since moved on, it’s still a poetic reminder that we should seek the Lord at all times, for our good and the good of all mankind.

Come down, Lord, my son is ill,
Wracked with fever the livelong day.
He is life to me, if you will
Drive death away, drive death away.
Lord, do not come to my house, I’m unworthy,
Speak and the promise is sealed.
For when your Word, O God, is spoken
He shall be healed, he shall be healed.

Come down, Lord, my soul is ill,
Wracked with anguish the livelong day.
All my sorrowing will be still
If you but say, if you but say.
Lord, do not come to my house, I’m unworthy,
Speak and the promise is sealed.
For when your Word, O God, is spoken
I shall be healed, I shall be healed.

Come down, Lord, the world is ill,
Wracked with bloodshed the livelong day.
Man must struggle for peace until
You show the way, you show the way.
Lord, do not come to our house, we’re unworthy,
Speak and the promise is sealed.
For when your Word, O God, is spoken
We shall be healed, we shall be healed.


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