Daily Archives: November 14, 2016

Return To Center

Monday of Week 33 in Ordinary Time (Year II)
Apocalypse 1:1-4,2:1-5 | Psalm 1:1-4,6 | Luke 18:35-43

Nevertheless, I have this complaint to make; you have less love now than you used to. Think where you were before you fell; repent, and do as you used to at first. (Apocalypse 2:4-5)

Yesterday, at the regular Sunday mass, I saw a toddler running towards the altar, followed by a frazzled parent. Upon being grabbed and hauled back to her family, she started wailing, softly at first, then progressively louder as she was rushed backwards.

After reading the above passage from today’s reading, it suddenly hit me: That child was running to the center of the church, to Jesus! No wonder she got more upset the further she was dragged away from Him!

Oh, to be that young again, full of innocent love for each other and for God.

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It seems like the older we get, the more we find to complain about others:

Those youths are making so much noise in church! They should just shut up and get out!

Alamak! So many tables still got dirty plates all over! Where’s the cleaner, must be idling on the job!

Aiyah, that stupid man press the buzzer so late, make the bus driver jam brake!

and the less we actively practice Christian virtues:

That poor chap probably doesn’t know this area well. Ah well, at least no one fell down and got hurt.

Oh dear, that poor cleaner must be overworked. The cleaning station is just over there; let’s just grab a tray and clear this table ourselves.

Hi guys, there are a bunch of us folks who’d like to pray in silence here. Could you please take it outside? Thanks much, and have a blessed Confirmation camp!

Perhaps it’s time for us to take a deep breath before letting loose some sharp words or unkind thoughts, to look at the bigger picture and understand what others around us are going through.

Perhaps it’s time to return to the center, that is Jesus Christ.

And because I’m a bit of an Elvis fan…

Return to center, return to center

I gave the finger to that rude man, because he called me fat
So then he swung his fist at my head, which met it with a splat

I heard a voice say:

Return to center, to Jesus’ home
He just wants to, save our souls

That revelation, made me go back
To say I’m sorry, now I have a new friend, Jack

So now I try to put a good spin on everything I see
And I glorify the Father, the Son and Spirit, three

So sing it with me:

Return to center, to Jesus’ home
He just wants to, save our souls

Each time I feel like hitting someone, or saying words that hurt
I take a deep breath, and say a short prayer, then I may just blurt
The words I heard then:

Return to center, to Jesus’ home
He just wants to, save our souls

Return to center…