I Am The Very Model Of A Follower Of Jesus Christ

Monday of Week 32 in Ordinary Time (Year II)
Titus 1:1-9 | Psalm 23(24):1-6 | Luke 17:1-6

Since, as president, he will be God’s representative, he must be irreproachable: never an arrogant or hot-tempered man, nor a heavy drinker or violent, nor out to make money; but a man who is hospitable and a friend of all that is good; sensible, moral, devout and self-controlled; and he must have a firm grasp of the unchanging message of the tradition, so that he can be counted on for both expounding the sound doctrine and refuting those who argue against it. (Titus 1:7-9)

My mind tends towards the musical, so inputs like St. Paul’s words to Titus sometimes get spontaneously translated into song. This one just happens to set to my all-time favorite Gilbert and Sullivan masterpiece.

I hope its seeming frivolity doesn’t hide the fact that it’s not just St. Paul’s “job description” of early Christian bishops, but also a lay Catholic ideal to aspire to, even in modern times.

I am the very model of a follower of Jesus Christ
Not arrogant nor temperamental, I try always to be nice
I don’t imbibe much alcohol, I don’t resort to fisticuffs
And when I make my daily bread, I always take care not to bluff
If you are hungry or in need of shelter, I have bed and food
If you are kind, I’ll call you friend, for I like everything that’s good
And I was taught from very young, the secret to a heart of gold
“Be sensible and moral and devout and always self-controlled”

I know the doctrine and tradition of our Christianity
And I proclaim the gospel message, even when you’re sick of me
On top on this, I don the cloak of love for all, the sacred prize
I am the very model of a follower of Jesus Christ

Lord, we acclaim You as our model. Help us to live fully, to love universally, and to spread Your message of love and peace to the ends of the earth. Amen.


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