Following Christ, On My Own Terms

Wednesday of Week 26 in Ordinary Time (Year II)
Job 9:1-13,14-16 | Psalm 87:10-15 | Luke 9:57-62

In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us that following Him should be unconditional. Expecting material comforts from a life of discipleship, or delaying our dedication for one reason or another, is missing the point. It’s not for nothing that we Christians are called to be soldiers for Christ; in the military, you respond to an enemy situation immediately, no procrastination, no moaning about slogging through thick mud. Soldiers who fail to learn this lesson quickly are often the first headed home in body bags.

But it goes against our human nature to answer a call to action without saying “OK, but only if you provide XYZ”. So, Lord, here are my terms of discipleship: You tell me what and where, and I’ll figure out the how with Your help.

This isn’t a theoretical exercise for me: Three people have already strongly hinted that I should become a deacon, something my heart longs to do, but it’s really not practical in Singapore. I’m already feeling sharp tugs towards a life of consecrated service in Mother Church, but I haven’t figured out what I should do, nor where I should do it.

What do you want of me, Lord?
Where do you want me to serve you?

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