Daily Archives: September 12, 2016

Amazing Faith, How Sweet The Man

Monday of Week 24 in Ordinary Time (Year II)
1 Corinthians 11:17-26,33 | Psalm 39:7-10,17 | Luke 7:1-10

Behold this remarkable centurion in today’s Gospel:

  • He commands a hundred men, yet is humble enough to worry about his slave’s well-being.
  • He is a Gentile, but also a benefactor to the local Jewish community, going so far as to fund the construction of a synagogue.
  • He hears about a rabbi who’s going around and curing people, and though he is the local Authority, he’s humble enough to ask for his help, instead of getting his troops to forcibly demand a healing.
  • His Jewish “subjects” are impressed enough to willingly plead his case to Jesus.
  • He respects the stricture that Jews are not allowed to visit Gentile homes (Acts 10:28), yet gives Jesus much “face” by claiming that he was the unworthy one.
  • He doesn’t know Jesus from Adam, yet recognizes His power and authority to cure his servant even without physical proximity.

Is it any wonder that Jesus was amazed?

More to the point, how do we compare to this centurion, despite having the benefit of an educated faith?

  • Do we care for our employees’ welfare (maids and subordinates alike)?
  • Do we respect their needs and aspirations?
  • Do we deal with them in humility, or demand “our way or the highway”?
  • Are they willing to defend us in dire situations?
  • Do we show kindness to them?
  • Do we recognize and respect their abilities?

Or do we treat them like replaceable cogs in our money-making machine?

Lord, may we never forget all who support us in our daily lives. Remind us often to treat them with the love and respect they deserve, for they too are Your children, and therefore our brothers and sisters in You. Amen.