Monthly Archives: August 2016

Blessed Solitude

Monday of Week 18 in Ordinary Time (Year II)
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Bishop, Doctor
Jeremiah 28:1-17 | Psalm 118:29,43,79-80,95,102 | Matthew 14:13-21

When Jesus received the news of John the Baptist’s death he withdrew by boat to a lonely place where they could be by themselves. (Matthew 14:13)

The night is a wonderful time.

It is a good time to rest weary bones, to regain bearings lost to the tumult of the daily hustle and bustle, to revitalize the spirit with the Spirit.

It is a great time to retreat from the noise of demanding others and whatnots, to ponder the day’s activities and events, to consider what could have been handled better with the grace of God.

It is an excellent time to focus on what truly matters in life, the Word of the Father that is Way, Truth and Life. It inspires us to break free from the shackles of earthly cares and wants, to give thanks to the Creator who makes life possible, and to peer with eyes full of love into the faces of those around us.

Jesus spent a lot of time during His earthly ministry in silent prayer and reflection, both alone and with His disciples. As man, He experienced first-hand the frailties of the human body, the frequent need to recharge both physically and spiritually. Let us follow His example, to not fill every waking moment with noisy media and frenetic activities that do nothing to help us to eternal life, but to stop and recharge our spiritual batteries each night with a reflection upon the day’s readings, a silent hymn of praise, and a quiet prayer of thanks to the One who created all.

As I prepare my soul to rest,
I ask you, Lord, to be my guest,
I offer this day’s ups and downs,
The joyous smiles, the tired frowns.

Lord, send the Spirit, faithful guide,
To steadfast vigil at my side,
As I receive Your Holy Word,
With heart enflamed and soul be-stirred.

With next day’s worries and travails,
May Your great peace and love prevail,
And if these words my last shall be,
Blest be the Holy Trinity!
