Daily Archives: August 6, 2016

Where Are These Words Coming From?

The Transfiguration of the Lord
Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 | Psalm 96:1-2,5-6,9 | 2 Peter 1:16-19 | Luke 9:28-36

Peter said to Jesus, ‘Master, it is wonderful for us to be here; so let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ – He did not know what he was saying. (Luke 9:33)

And neither do I.

Every night, when I sit down to meditate upon the next day’s readings, I never know what to expect. Sometimes my thoughts flow like quicksilver, sometimes like gloopy mud. Sometimes the words come together quickly, sometimes I go through a half-dozen drafts heading in a half-dozen directions.

A rational person might ask: How do you know the words you write don’t come from the Evil One?

The words flowing through me are primarily of love – love for God, love for one another. I’m quite confident that they were inspired by an entity of love, and that Satan isn’t such an entity.

That said, while I’m confident that the gist is Spirit-driven, a large portion of these words are still dictated by my own mind, so there may be doctrinal errors here and there. If you do spot any, please bring them to my attention and I’ll work in a mea culpa as soon as possible.

After all, writing this blog is one way I’m trying to transfigure myself, to become more luminous both inside and out. I hope and pray, brothers and sisters, that your own attempts to transfigure yourselves may meet with great success.

Lord, we were once beautiful children, but time and sin have ground grave imperfections into our appearances. Help us to polish our love for You and for each other, and send the Holy Spirit to inflame our hearts, so that we may be as candles and mirrors to light the way for the world to return to You. Amen.