Parenting Is Such Sweet Sorrow…

Tuesday of Week 17 in Ordinary Time (Year II)
St. Joachim & St. Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Jeremiah 14:17-22 | Psalm 78:8-9,11,13 | Matthew 13:36-43

Pretty much everything we know about Mother Mary’s parents, including their names, is derived from legend and tradition. About all we know for sure is that she had human parents, and we infer their piousness from Mary’s later role in bearing our Lord and Saviour.

Similarly, our actions and demeanor are deemed indicators of our upbringing, and hence the “quality” of our parents. I can only imagine what others might think of my mom and dad after meeting me for the first, second or thousandth time, or what they must think of me now as I continue to merrily bumble my way through a childless life.

So as we celebrate the feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne today, let us also celebrate our own parents, who fed, clothed and set us on the road which we walk today. May we always love, respect and cherish them not just as our progenitors, but also co-heirs to the heavenly kingdom that is to come.

Lord, we give you thanks for Sts. Joachim and Anne, for their part in bringing salvation to all mankind. We also give you thanks for our own parents, for their part in bringing us to You. Grant them good health and length of days, and when the time comes for us to part, remind us that we will be reunited with them in the fullness of time, there to give You glory forever and ever. Amen.

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