Daily Archives: July 15, 2016

Canticle of the Christian

St. Bonaventure (Bishop, Doctor)
Isaiah 38:1-6,21-22,7-8 | Isaiah 38:10-12,16 | Matthew 12:1-8

Today’s Responsorial Psalm is rather unusual, in that it’s not actually taken from the Book of Psalms. Rather, it’s a canticle attributed to Hezekiah, one of the central characters in today’s reading.

Canticle: a hymn, psalm or other song of praise taken from biblical or holy texts other than the Psalms (Wikipedia)

So what would it take for us to write our own canticles, besides some modicum of musical ability?

The key ingredient is obviously something to praise God about, which can be surprisingly hard to find when we’re not in the right frame of mind. When we’re beset by disagreeable people and seemingly insurmountable problems, we’re probably more inclined to moan, “why, God, why?!?!”

But when we consciously shift our mental focus away from the unpleasant, and imbibing in the stream of Christ’s peace, then the words of praise can begin to flow, as they did for St. Francis of Assisi when he completed his famous Canticle of the Sun on his deathbed.

Be praised, Lord God Almighty,
For the trials that come my way,
And for all the love and graces
You show me every day

Lord, I hunger for your goodness
Pouring forth from Thy pierced side
Cleanse me with Thy Precious Blood, that
I may with Thee abide

Holy Spirit, Thee descending,
With Thy gifts all sevenfold,
Come inflame us with Thy fire
Of heav’nly love untold.

O my soul, give praise and glory
To the Trinal Unity
Of the Father, Son and Spirit
For all eternity.
