Daily Archives: June 27, 2016

Have You Thought Of God Today?

Monday of Week 13 in Ordinary Time (Year II)
Amos 2:6-10,13-16 | Psalm 49:16-23 | Matthew 8:18-22

Yes, that’s the literal response to today’s psalm.

No, I’m not kidding.

It’s a stark reminder of the many times we have forgotten about our Creator, as we conduct our daily lives in the ways we see fit, guided only by our flawed morality. Let us turn back to God this instant, remembering Him as we pray…

For the times when we’ve thought ill of others, deserved or not: forgive us, O Lord.

For the times when we’ve spoken ill of others for whatever reason: forgive us, O Lord.

For the times when we’ve taken advantage of others: forgive us, O Lord.

For the times when we stood silent as others were taken advantage of: forgive us, O Lord.

From all earthly temptations: deliver us, O Lord.

From all evil visited on us: deliver us, O Lord.

From everlasting death: deliver us, O Lord.

Lord Jesus Christ, You who bore our sufferings and carried our sorrows, hear our prayers for our spiritual healing and strength, for we are weak and easily turned from You. Remind us constantly through our Christian brethren that You are always with us, to guide and guard us from our hellish foes. Give us the courage to stand with the downtrodden, to shine Your light of truth on the darkness of evil deeds, and to love each other unreservedly, as You loved us unto Your own death. Seal and sanctify us in your most Precious Blood, so that we may return in the fullness of time to our Heavenly Father as one united and eternal chorus of praise.
