Daily Archives: June 24, 2016

What’s In A Name?

The Birthday of St. John the Baptist
Isaiah 49:1-6 | Psalm 138:1-3,13-15 | Acts 13:22-26 | Luke 1:57-66,80

“His name is John”, properly Yohanan, “God has shown favour”. So much favour, in fact, that Zechariah and Elizabeth consciously broke with Jewish tradition and named their son after absolutely no one in their family trees.

Indeed, St. John the Baptist grew up to be a fitting herald of Jesus the Christ, preparing and exhorting his followers in the way of the Lord, yet humble enough to recognize his insignificance before the Son of God, being “unfit even to undo the strap of His sandals”.

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Mother Church is rather more liberal about baby names nowadays. Canon law on baptism merely states:

Parents, sponsors, and the pastor are to take care that a name foreign to Christian sensibility is not given. (Canon 855)

Still, older Catholics are often blessed with the names of saints whose influence in our lives was (presumably) desired by our parents. Mine, if I’m not mistaken, hopefully pegs me as a soldier for Christ, rather than a butcher of men. Since that interpretation concurs with my Chinese name (“peace-making scholar-warrior”), I guess I’m left with a very daunting task. ?

What’s in your name, brothers and sisters? Does a closer inspection of your moniker inspire you to godliness in some way?

Heavenly Father, you showed Your abundant favour to St. John the Baptist. We ask in turn for some small share of that favour, so that we can also share in his duty to bring all others to You in Your coming Kingdom. Amen.