Daily Archives: June 20, 2016

Wood Gets In Your Eyes

Monday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time (Year II)
2 Kings 17:5-8,13-15,18 | Psalm 59:3-5,12-13 | Matthew 7:1-5

Yeah, this happens all the time.

(With apologies to The Platters) ?

They asked me how I knew
What I judged was true
Oh, I of course replied
I had clear insight
Cannot be denied

They said some day you’ll find
You were just as blind
Oh, as a porcupine
Then you’ll realize
Wood gets in your eyes

So I chaffed them, and I gaily laughed
To think they could doubt my sight
Now it’s dawn, all my companions gone
So was I wrong or right?

Now angry friends deride
Planks I cannot hide
Oh, so I cry and say
When my pride goes awry
Wood gets in my eyes

Wood gets in my eyes

(Porcupines are near-sighted. Really.)

Lord, you remind us today to “judge not, lest ye be judged”. Help us first turn our judgement inwards, to examine our own faults and prejudices, before refocusing on the people around us with a more loving and caring countenance. Amen.