Daily Archives: June 17, 2016

Eye Has Not Seen, Ear Has Not Heard…

Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time (Year II)
2 Kings 11:1-4,9-18,20 | Psalm 131:11-14,17-18 | Matthew 6:19-23

‘The lamp of the body is the eye. It follows that if your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light. But if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be all darkness. If then, the light inside you is darkness, what darkness that will be!’ (Matthew 6:22-23)


Of course, we should also take care to ? too, since temptation can also come as a seductive whisper in the dark, but the core message in today’s Gospel remains the same: keep our eyes firmly affixed on God, keep our feet firmly on His holy way, keep ourselves free to love others as Christ loved us.
