Daily Archives: June 4, 2016

The Appointed Time…

The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Isaiah 61:9-11 | 1 Samuel 2:1,4-8 | Luke 2:41-51

The canticle of Isaiah 61:10-11 is well-known to most Singaporean Catholics, being the basis of this old and rather popular hymn:


But there’s another setting by Knut Nystedt that is more popular with non-church choirs, and is far and away the most common YouTube match for “I Will Greatly Rejoice”:

The words are largely the same, but if we tried to sing the latter at mass, we’d probably just get blank stares and resounding silence. Nystedt is, at least to me, more resounding and uplifting, but also more appropriate for quiet appreciation; mass would therefore generally not be the appropriate time for it.

In the words of one of my favorite Bible passages:

There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

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Today’s Gospel, in contrast, brings a different kind of time to the fore: appointed time. The difference, in my mind, is as follows:

Appropriate time is judged by man.
Appointed time is determined by God.

Therefore, it was the appointed time for the child Jesus to come of age in the eyes of the Temple elders, holding His own in intellectual discourse.

It was also the appointed time for Mary and Joseph to receive a hint of His lasting obedience to His heavenly Father, that would always take precedence over his earthly family ties.

Thereafter, he willingly submitted to their authority like a good son…until the appointed time came for him to begin His ministry of salvation like a Good Son.

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When the appointed time comes for us to answer God’s call into consecrated life, or to surrender this earthly life, how will we respond?

When the appointed time comes for us to let go of a loved one who has been called to this other life, how will we respond?

As Catholics, there’s really only one thing to say:

Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will. (Psalm 40:8a,9a)
