Monthly Archives: May 2016

PR Requirements For the New Jerusalem

6th Sunday of Easter (Year C)
Acts 15:1-2,22-29 | Psalm 66:2-3,5-6,8 | Apocalypse 21:10-14,22-23 | John 14:23-29

The walls of [the new Jerusalem] were of a great height, and had twelve gates; […] (Apocalypse 21:12)

The Book of the Apocalypse is rife with symbols and allegories that often beg explanation. For instance, the image of Christ as the Paschal Lamb with “seven horns and seven eyes” (Apocalypse 5:6) is so mind-bending that John goes on to explain that “these are the [seven] spirits of God sent out into the whole world”, i.e. Christ has the totality (seven in biblical numerology) of power (horns) and knowledge (eyes).

So what then are we to make of the new Jerusalem being bounded by walls? After all, cities in ancient times built walls for defensive purposes, but in the End Times, all God’s enemies would have already been destroyed, so such protection would be unnecessary. Even in modern times, most remaining city walls are really ancient reminders of a violent past.

One could possibly argue that the walls were for John’s benefit, to help him visualise the scale of the city through very clear boundaries. Even modern cities without walls tend to have natural (e.g. rivers and mountain ranges) or artificial (signposts) boundaries to delineate the area over which they can claim “Population: 144,000”.

I believe instead that the walls of the new Jerusalem, and the angels standing guard at all its gates, are a stark reminder of the requirements for “permanent residence” in the city of God: that we truly believe in the Most High, and that we have loved others as Christ taught us. Many are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb, but few will gain admission – so sayeth Matthew 22:14.

I think it also circumscribes the “radiant glory of God”; He is the Light that never fails, but the walls will still cast a shadow into the emptiness without, in which there will be much weeping and grinding of teeth.

So it behooves us to pay close attention to our faith, and do right by our fellow humans, so as to avoid being among the castaways in eternal night.

Lord, may your Light show us the Way to our eternal Father, and may we in turn light the way for others in love for You. Amen.